Action Plan for Nitrate

Vulnerability Zones

Discover the plan and stay updated on the news on the fight against nitrate contamination.

The Action Program for Nitrate Vulnerability Zones of the Puglia Region governs the agronomic use of nitrogen fertilizers in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones of agricultural origin, in implementation of the European Directive 91/676 / EEC (Nitrates Directive).

The Nitrates Directive is the first legislative instrument of the European community aimed at combating water and soil pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources.

Publications and more

Cos’è il PAN Puglia? Tutto quello che devi sapere!

ZVN: cosa sono e cosa significa farne parte

Metodologie per l’identificazione di contaminazione da nitrati di origine agricola: perchè ricorrere alla tecnologia biomolecolare

News & Articles


Report: Puglia region and databases for territory characterization

Overall environmental and climatic context of the various areas of Puglia and how these cna impact on the levels of contamination risk, are described in the Report: Puglia and the databases for the informational characterization of the territory, by the CNR -IRSA.....

Report: what’s the PAN Puglia?

The Nitrate Action Plan (PAN) is the main tool made made available by European Community and the Italian Regions for addressing nitrate pollution issue that threatens our agriculture. The PAN defines strategies and actions able to fight pollutions and preventing it,...